All Common Herbs


TCM: Listed under "Herbs that release the Exterior", in "Warm, Acrid Herbs", Zingiber officinale, rhizome (fresh) sheng jiang enters the Lung, Spleen and Stomach channels. Acrid and slightly warm, it promotes sweating to expel exogenous pathogens, stops nausea and vomiting by warming the middle jiao, clears toxins, stops coughing and transforms Phlegm. General: Treats the common cold due to Wind-Cold, cough, vomiting due to Stomach Cold, intestinal ulcers, It is diaphoretic, carminative, stimulant, atiemetic and antispasmodic …


TCM: Listed under "Herbs that warm the Interior and expel Cold", Zingiber officinale, rhizome (dried) (gan jiang) enters the Heart, Lung, Spleen and Stomach channels. Acrid and hot, it warms the Middle (Spleen, Stomach) in both excess and deficient Cold, warms the Lungs to transform thin mucus, unblocks the channels, improves Blood circulation, rescues devastated Yang and stops deficient Cold bleeding. General: Treats epigastric pain with cold sensations, nausea and vomiting, cold extremities and a faint pulse, dyspnea and cough with frothy expectoration, promotes menses. It has stimulant, antispasmodic, carminative, and …


TCM: Listed under "Herbs that release the Exterior", in "Warm, Acrid Herbs", Xanthium sibiricum, fruit (cang er zi ) enters the Lung channel. It disperses Wind and Dampness and unblocks the nasal passages, removes Wind-Damp painful obstruction, eliminates Damp Qi from the skin, treats sores. General:  Treats headache due to Wind-Cold, rhinitis or sinusitis with nasal discharge, urticaria with itching, arthritis with muscular spasms. …


TCM: Listed under ‘Herbs that drain Dampness’,sweet, bland and neutral Wolfiporia cocos enters the Heart, Spleen, Kidney and Lung channels. It increases urination to remove Damp, strengthens the Spleen and tonifies the Qi and anchors the mind.. General: It is used in the treatment of Edema with oliguria, dizziness and palpitations from fluid retention, diminished function of the Spleen with anorexia, loose stools, loss of appetitie, excess mucus, rstlessness and insomnia, palpitations with fear. It has been shown to have the following actions: diuretic, hypoglycaemic, tranquilization, …