
Wheat & Jujube Combination
Product Code: BP054

This formula was first recorded in the ‘Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Cabinet’ (jin gui yao lue fang lun) by Zhang Zhong-jing (circa 150 – 219 CE). This work is the earliest surviving record that details the diagnosis and treatment of miscellaneous diseases of internal medicine, as well as some surgical diseases and gynecological disorders, according to the Eight Principles.

The original formula consisted of three herbs, after which it was named (Gan = gan cao (Glycyrrhiza root); Mai = fu xiao mai (Triticum seed); Da Zao = da zao (Zyzyphus fruit); Tang = decoction). It was originally used for ‘restless organ’ (zang zao) disorder, which was classified under the heading of gynecological disorders.

There has been considerable divergence of opinion over the centuries regarding whether the diagnosis of ‘restless organ’ referred specifically to the uterus, the Heart or indeed all of the Zang organs. However, because the formula is effective for men as well as women and also because this variant of has been modified with the addition of four synergistic herbs, this issue need not be of concern: the modified formula has been specifically directed towards tonifying the Heart to calm the Spirit and stabilise the mind. It is therefore suitable for a range of mental and emotional problems with the principal feature of overwhelming or uncontrollable emotional responses.

The synergistic actions of the herbs are as follows:

  • Triticum seed (fu xiao mai), Ziziphus spinosa, seed (suan zao ren), Ziziphus jujuba, fruit (da zao), Glycyrrhiza root (gan cao): tonify the Heart Qi and calm the Spirit.
  • Triticum seed (fu xiao mai), Ziziphus spinosa, seed (suan zao ren): nourish the Heart and Liver Blood to calm the Spirit.
  • Ziziphus spinosa, seed (suan zao ren), Albizia stem bark (he huan pi): nourish the Heart Yin to calm the Spirit.
  • Albizia stem bark (he huan pi): regulates the Qi and soothes the Liver to calm the Spirit and alleviate the effects of pent up emotions
  • Chrysanthemum flower (ju hua): calms the Liver and redirects the Liver Yang downwards, to soothe emotional volatility.
  • Polygala sibirica, root (yuan zhi): Acts as envoy to direct the action of the formula to the Heart and calm the Spirit, disseminate the Heart Qi and Yang to open up the mind and senses.


  • Triticum seed (light unripened wheat grain) is used orally in formulas for its tranquillising as well as its antisudorific actions. It contains starch, protein, fat, vitamin B, vitamin E.
  • Chrysanthemum flower is used orally in formulas for the treatment of headache, irritability, dizziness, blurry vision, tears induced by exposure to wind, photophobia, chronic glaucoma, tinnitus, hearing loss, weak eye sight. It has been shown to have cardiotonic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial and antipyretic actions.

TCM Actions

Tonifies the Heart Qi, nourishes the Heart Blood and Yin, calms the Spirit and stabilises the emotions.

TCM Syndromes

Tonifies the Heart Qi, nourishes the Heart Blood and Yin, calms the Spirit and stabilises the emotions.


Emotional lability, mood swings, depressed mood, anxiety, insomnia, neurasthenia.

Dosage & Course Of Treatment

8 pills, 3 times daily, half to one hour away from food.

Course of treatment: 2 to 6 months.

Signs and Syndromes

Emotional volatility, mood swings

Restless sleep with vivid dreams

Depressed mood, anxiety

Fright induced palpitations

Night sweats

Red tongue with scanty coat

Thready pulse that may also be rapid

Cautions & Contraindications

Contains gluten.

Avoid caffeine containing beverages (i.e. coffee, tea, cola drinks, guarana), especially in the afternoon.

Caution in patients using sedative-hypnotic medications.
